Raise Right
3 Steps to Easy Earnings
Buy gift cards
Shop eGift cards (available immediately), physical gift cards, and reloadable gift cards. Pay face value and apply it to your purchase or give as a gift.
Earn money
Your organization instantly earns up to 20% per gift card (6% average). The earnings come directly from the brand—it's their way of supporting community groups like yours.
Distribute earnings
Earnings are deposited into your organization’s account. You can track and allocate earnings per participant, or channel funds to initiatives that your group cares about.
Do you go shopping? Do you want to support St. Thomas School? Well, these two things go hand-in-hand with RaiseRight!
Follow these simple steps to get started:
1. Download RaiseRight in the app store
2. Click on 'Join a Program'
3. Enter our enrollment code: LF2DDAE938LL2